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For the Love of Money

A five-part series on a metaphysical approach to finances
As a teacher of Love ("Big 'L' Love, meaning divine, infinite, and soul-based Love) it is not unusual for me to be challenged by a student when it comes to money. What is a Loving approach to money? Do I have to give everything away all of the time? Does being "spiritual" preclude being wealthy? Does being rich spiritually guarantee that we will be rich materially?
We have loaded money with so much power and emotional energy. In Thresholding, I teach that we are only held back by what we hold onto and that the details themselves don't matter, it is the energy behind them that does. When these two truths combine, they yield an approach to life that is designed to keep us in an open, fluid, malleable state of flow. By aligning ourselves to the energy of Source that is present and flowing through every detail and releasing our attachment to the details themselves, we shape ourselves into a closer representation of Source. We are like that which we came from. We were created in the "image and likeness" of the Creative Source. But that means the energy of Source - not the individual expressions of it. The entire creative power of the universe is present in a coffee table, but I am not going to align with the coffee table'ness of its expression. I am going to align with the energy flowing through that shape. Likewise I am not going to align with the spouse'ness of my romantic relationship, the tabbi'ness of my cat (the cocker spaniel'ness of my dog, if you prefer) or the dollar amount'ness of my bank account.
All details are temporary. Coffee tables will eventually disintegrate, pets will die, dollar amounts and values will fluctuate, and romantic relationships will change (deepen, fade, transform into something else, or end upon physical death.) Source remains constant. And the human experience for this divine energy is Love. We have the power to experience Love in and through all of the details of life. By doing so, we discover peace, deepen our healing, and unleash our greatest sense of purpose.
So what does this all have to do with money? I'll tell you: money can teach us all we need to know about how to live here in the greatest Love we are capable of.
I have meditated deeply about the meaning of money. Other teachers describe it as a measuring stick against which we can assess our capacity for living life fully. This is not incorrect. Money is a measurement of the life force you are allowing to flow through your life. But that doesn't satisfy me. Everything is a measurement of one kind or another, so why is money such a deep source of pain and conflict for so many?
Because it is more than a measurement, it is a teacher. Money can teach us all we need to know about living consciously in this world. Which is precisely why some people make money their god and for others it is a devil - because money contains the stuff of revelation. It can guide, inform, and lead us to our greatest power and our deepest purpose. Is it no wonder that it has been harnessed for such selfish and abominable purposes throughout history.
More so than any adventure movie, our real life money contains a coded message that can free us to accept the greatest treasure imaginable: heaven on Earth. There are four basic equations to this code - four lessons that money teaches. We will discuss them each in more detail as we continue with this series. For now let me simply ask you this: are you willing to learn from your money?
Arria Deepwater, Spiritual Director, Love Threshold Grouphttp://www.lovethreshold.com Visit us for your free life activation and sign up for daily love notes!

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